AMIGA meditations is back!

A1000 Masthead

Yes, the title of this blog, which for a time was changed to Stuart Williams’ Micro Musings, is reverting to its original Commodore Amiga related focus, effective immediately!

This is because, after a long period of illness and family issues, I have recently begun work at long last on my new Amiga User International magazine tribute website, and now seems just the right time to tie this blog in with the new project.

My non-Amiga work will still feature here, of course (and I will continue to write elsewhere on other topics such as 8 bit adventure gaming) but in a month or two the URL of this blog will revert to the original, which has always been the underlying link.

Watch this space for more news, and more content, coming soon.

Here’s to a busier, and hopefully happier, New Year!

Stuart Williams